Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I want to


I would like to be as badass as my parents were in college, which I will designate as "fairly badass," based upon the negatives from 1974 I've been scanning.

I just want to go home. Not because it's home. I just want to get away for awhile. I was looking at the dark circles under my eyes this morning and realizing that they were pretty horrendous, even though I feel like I've been getting enough sleep. My self-esteem is absolute shit and I think I'm actually going nuts. Getting away for a week will be good, I hope.

I have a paper due Friday that I will probably finish at about 5 am that morning after not sleeping at all and staying up all night packing and oh my god I am totally beat and I don't want to do this at all.

Kenna and I went for a hike down to the river today and it was sublime. I want open spaces and water and anything uncultivated.

Also, things I think are bad ideas:

- ironic tattoos

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