Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More please


I want to be home longer. It's impossible to have time for my family, Kevin, my friends, myself, and a jobhunt in just a week.

I left my camera at Kevin's apartment after a ridiculous night (the way you're probably interpreting that is, by the way, incorrect) and I feel like I lost an arm. That might also partially be because the right side of my body has yet to fully regain function.

I fell off my bike for the first time in about fifteen years. Seriously, the last time I must've been six. I realize that math is incorrect.

I'm not sure what happened, but I was going down a hill and then I felt something jerk and the bike flung itself to the side and something flung me to the other side and I remember thinking "oh shit, this is going to hurt and this really, really sucks" and the milliseconds ticking slowly and then I was on the ground. And a few seconds later it hurt. I got up and the old man behind me was asking me if I was alright, and I said yes, definitely, in a far-too-alert fashion, and he told me to look at my elbow, which was in tatters. I shrugged, grabbed my stuff off the pavement and ran away, because my flight instinct had kicked in fast and hard and all I wanted to do was run away and proverbially lick my wounds in the shadows. Upon further investigation I realized I was missing quite a lot more skin than I had initially thought. And my helmet was cracked, meaning I probably hit my head way harder than I actually realized. Great. It all kind of hurt and I was kind of shaken up, but I was four miles from home so I decided to just keep going... bleeding the whole way, because all of the bathrooms at the park were locked. It's great to bike around covered in blood.

Going home was great, because I got to pick the gravel out of my skin and because the shock had worn off and everything was starting to really hurt. It still hurts. I couldn't pick anything up with my right hand for two days, and for some reason it hurts to flex the muscles. My ribs are bruised and my shoulder is fucked. I do have a really great bruise on my right side that's a nice shade of purple and continuing to grow, however, so I have that to look forward to.

It's been a few days and I think things are fine... no permanent damage, hopefully. I'm mostly weirded out by the fact that I didn't react very strongly when it happened. I did a LOT of damage to my skin and muscles, but I felt fine for a strange amount of time and later I could barely move without involuntarily yelping in pain. Weird. I'm not too broken up about this, though I guess it seems like I might be judging by how much I wrote - I just want to document it because I can't even remember the last time I hurt myself this badly (which isn't that badly... it's not like I went to the ER).

It appears spring break is half over, and this is unfortunate.


  1. oh chet. Well speaking of you're age, I ALWAYS KNEW YOU WERE 21 BUY ME BOOZE STOP HOLDING OUT!
